Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lots to do

Not much change since last week.  Have a date for the radiotherapy appointment (next Thursday) and am having acupuncture twice a week (5 sessions to date).  I seem to have much more energy and less of a problem with pain, so it must be doing some good. 

As the weather was so fantastic again on Saturday, Karen and I went across to Pete & Jenny’s and we had a great barbecue lunch.  Sunday and Monday were quiet and I finished the book (at least the writing)!!!  Karen is now doing the typesetting and trying to squeeze it all into one volume rather than two.  I may have to cut out some of the appendices.  Had visitors on Wednesday (1) and Thursday (3), and following acupuncture on Thursday, K, P & J and I all went out for a fish meal in the city centre - 'Livebait') which was very good.  Lots of family visited yesterday (brother and sister and cousins) which was nice but a bit tiring.

So its now back to the archiving and chucking out years of accumulated rubbish.  To those of you out there who are hoarders like me, can I suggest you start clearing out your ‘stuff’ now, otherwise it’s an overwhelming task.  Years and years of ‘stuff’ that I’ve no idea why I wanted to keep.

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